Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do I know for sure or do I not...
Do I have it in me or have I not..
Is it as it seems to be or is it not..
Will I ever, ever know, guess not.

Slim threads, but strong as steel
Seems non existent but I do feel
the twang, when so lightly strung
Reverberates, until I go all numb.

Spaces huge or holes, I am not sure
Loom large and too deep to endure;
Left with echos that haunt and taunt,
My own make-beliefs, I dare not flaunt.

What is to be my stand, now on?
Is this how it was to be carried on?
Do I open up and confront head on?
Will it make things saner, hereon?
Guess not.


drift wood said...

I liked this. Really.

ramblings said...

:) not sure how to respond to this!

was just an outpouring.