At a stage, when looking at my kids, wonder what would they turn out to be?! Our parents must ve wondered too, and right now what I feel is a sense of foreboding even at times; i mean its really a miracle at work, the process of a being, being built, sculpted, etched, moulded and to arrive, if not finally, at something you refer to as a 'fully-grown' individual!! And its strange how the work of genes come into play, springing up surprises, sometimes pleasant and sometimes not. You can't actually predict, the 'outcome' with a vague blue print you think you hold in your hand! Even leads me to believe that inspite of being our flesh and blood, their mind, their whims, their fancies and yes their feelings can never be a replica of ours, and its insane to harbour such hopes, that seem to raise its hood from within! Yes, reminded of Gibran's quotes, "Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,..." which seems to quell or hush my incomprehensible misgivings for a while, and instill a sense of peace and sublimation; but, yes there is this niggling fear, if and when they turn out to be strangers, its gonna hurt, real bad! ofcourse they definitely will be, in phases, and just hope the phases are not long!
Whoa! What a depressing bemoaning what-might-happen-n-if-it-does-o-what-shall-i-do scenario! But guess, we women do indulge in it once in a while, trying to put things in perspective, ofcourse what is to be done for the next hour can wait, this HAS to be thought over! And actually it all started out from a sad but stark truth, my younger one needs massive cajoling to read, a truth that seems to jeer or rather sneer at me from behind dark curtains every night!!
You cant force your kid to read..she'd have to discover a good book and get hooked by herself. The most you could probably do is leave a lot of them lying around :)
And how did you interpret the end as? It was in the last para that I'd revealed the tale to be a reimagining of the genesis of Santa Claus..and I was rather proud of it :)
But welcome to the blog, and thank you for commenting.
@ dion
get hooked by 'himself' hasnt happened so far!! and books are lying around, its the picking them up, that isnt happening!! :(
genesis of Santa Claus!! OMG that never did cross my mind! :)
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