A strange thing happened with regard to 'relationships', and it sort of shook me a bit. Well, a close (assumed, perhaps) friendship, which had been built and savoured the past 3 years, had a bolt, when she just refused to answer calls!! My this was like way beyond my limited imagination or responding resources! I mean, what do you do? We arent kids or teens; And how can you just wipe it all off, in one big swipe??!! and for what? Have or rather had been racking my blessed brains and memory searching for instances which might have triggered this off. Left with none; or is my memory dwindling fast? Whatever, to tell the truth still in a slightly suspended state of shock and surprise, as to how we take so much for granted!!!sigh! And made me realise that yes, we still are social animals, however hard we try to tell ourselves or rather myself that I am not tied up too much in any relationship, and i take things easy, end up being slammed with the actual truth!!
the mist was cleared up, (or so i think!) and was suffused once again with a strange feeling. i mean this entire episode has given rise to many unforeseen queries within myself! ofcourse about self-worth, values, interactions, its huge influence, the need for comradeship, need for just plain girl talk, actually missing someone after a longish while, missing coz u begin to miss parts of you; bottom line being...comfort of a good friend, a real one, with no tags or frills attached, is irreplacable! n ure a gonner if u happen to be in the dumps, sans the comfort!! and this is enlightment, come unwarranted!!!
Could it be that your reading too much into this ( i hope)? That she was in a meeting or had 30 guests to feed or was down with migraine (i hope)? And if it was none of these, then i know what you're feeling. Any way of finding out whether there IS a valid reason for such behavior?
hmm wish it was otherwise, but no it is as it seems to be! only option left is to confront her directly, and am having my qualms doing that, though do think wud be doing it soon; got to get over with, this nagging drag on self, general mood! anyways, thanks! :)
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