Sunday, July 18, 2010

slice of life

A dentist visit on your own, or travel by road or rail, gives you ample time for retrospection, and it appears to hit you like a bolt. i mean youre suddenly caught unawares, by some soul searching, without the usually required intense turmoils or upheavals. And of course, music definitely helps! Was listening to Lagaan after a longish while, and just few days earlier caught the movie, most of it. Music is awesome, i mean complete, perfect. Couldnt ask for more. Movie too, sensitive, righteous, evokes all positive emotions, and the right amount of anger and indignation, arouses a heave of pride and joy; a totally feel-good movie. created with such meticulous care and empathy i would think. And the movie somehow reminded me of someone from the past, as if the whole movie was an embodiment of that person. And it was a sudden flash when it occured, enroute a long car drive across terrains close to my heart. The thought that fragments left behind by some,stay, for life. And these fragments makes us all the more unique, these fragments forming their own mosaic within ourselves evolving into a pattern, at different points of our life, when it all seem to fit like pieces of a puzzle, revealing a beautiful vista, captured and treasured. And these instances, seems to reveal the true self, which is so oft shrouded and morphed and as good as lost along our journey...

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