So you feel hurt when your (once-upon-a-time) little ones hurt you; you think you have to show them you are hurt; try to remain aloof, cut-off and put up a silent front; not sure if it has registered at all, the effort the display of cold-shoulderness; if it has made any dent at all. Then the gnawing starts, bah things arent fun, when youre on your own. Thoughts arent as buoyant, things arent the same, even close to being the same, as when its shared with your brood!!
Frightening the thought that rushes in, theyre going to be missed bad; when the fledgings leave home for distnat shores! and along with it, a premonition sorts, for the onslaught of pain that would arise from sheer callousness and give-a-damn-attitude that is to be thrown at will, in the coming years!! God help me, through the turbulent teens!! May peace prevail!!
And then ofcourse there is the flip side!!....

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