Been away from the world at large, partly abstinence and partly other factors. And whatever be the reason, it always works. In kicking up some dust, inside. Reminded of those ancient sages who withdrew into the forests, to do their share of tapasyas, of self denial, self restricted procedures to attain penance, atonement??? Well, all the same, was blessed with some ‘sense’ and not sure if it was enlightment, but some insights definitely. Was caught in some situations, instances which did seem to reinforce or reinstate the fact that there is a Force acting upon us, whose modus operandi is way beyond our comprehension. And when we begin to see each hurdle or blockade as an implant, which makes us aware of a veering point, to steer us onto something more relevant or more promising, things become easier and clearer. As age creeps in, such spiritual stuff stealthily trickles in i guess! Not that i mind, when the awareness of self becomes more lucid, there is so much more peace; and ofcourse Nirvana is not what I'm in search of, but still, when some answers are revealed, you cannot be but grateful, amidst your reigning perennial internal chaos!
Other pearls of wisdom, acknowledged were, that ties and bonds made, held close and cherished once, will remain. Your attempts at flaming or dousing them, is not going to yield remarkable results. They are like diamonds, though take their time in forming, will be around alright, for some eons to come. It remains, a diamond to one, and sadly comes across as a carbon structure to another. But it remains, no denying, etched. AND once the structure if formed, there is absolutely no point in trying to mould it, roll it, or play around with, at will. Its worth is, for what it is, not what it can be. Saddens to realise, that it fails to be accredited, and the sparkle being lost somewhere along.
Lots more churning thoughts, but its getting too stuffy i guess, so shall stop for now....
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