Yes, have made this ‘decision’ of going no more in circles, (it’ll be in squares, can hear a voice quip), and am not going to allow any voice have its say, in the long run. Trying to exercise, some auto suggestion techniques, here. Now on its going to be one straight fast lane, no turns, no detours, no stopovers (what a dreary path). Its going to be fine, stick to your lane, look ahead, and keep moving. Sticking to the lane has been the toughest call and will be, but guess shall make it. And yes the reality part. Curtain calls for all hazy mazey blurry imaginations, visualizations. They’re all just what they are – imaginations, nothing more nothing less. Yes a part of me is being asked to squash up, give up ‘things’; but the clearing up stuff, annual spring cleaning, does good! (it better)
Having said all of that, some musings on my innate tie, communion with music; (which again is never going to allow me to cruise along ‘straight’) . On top of the list was Somebody’s me. From the moment he starts with you…the world would stop. This guy has it to stop a million worlds I guess, anyhow, was telling myself if you fail to react, respond(strongly), to this one, irrespective of age, place, sex(am not sure about that one), one need to better check up their hormonal levels. Convinced myself that, it’s this guy, who has the entire, supposedly weaker section of the population at his feet, who is casting this magic. And then bang on this song had to land from out of nowhere, and...keeps me rooted too. Bubbly its called, though its got absolutely nothing bubbly about it. So maybe when they sing cry their souls out, with minimal music (banging), it gets to me.
Having said all of that, some musings on my innate tie, communion with music; (which again is never going to allow me to cruise along ‘straight’) . On top of the list was Somebody’s me. From the moment he starts with you…the world would stop. This guy has it to stop a million worlds I guess, anyhow, was telling myself if you fail to react, respond(strongly), to this one, irrespective of age, place, sex(am not sure about that one), one need to better check up their hormonal levels. Convinced myself that, it’s this guy, who has the entire, supposedly weaker section of the population at his feet, who is casting this magic. And then bang on this song had to land from out of nowhere, and...keeps me rooted too. Bubbly its called, though its got absolutely nothing bubbly about it. So maybe when they sing cry their souls out, with minimal music (banging), it gets to me.
And the worst part, this soul stirring music helps me least, in this not-so-simple, not-so-easy (arduous) journey of keeping my feet well rooted to the ground. But then without these ‘minor distractions’, am never going to make it anywhere, anyways, so as well take them.
Hoping, no, am sure that this AST (Autosuggestiontherapy) thing is going to work out, straighten me out, or rather just my grey cells a bit, on second thoughts, hope I am left with few curves though!!
Hoping, no, am sure that this AST (Autosuggestiontherapy) thing is going to work out, straighten me out, or rather just my grey cells a bit, on second thoughts, hope I am left with few curves though!!
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