Realize, maybe a tad late, that writing isn’t a piece of cake. Writing (if u can call it that) I ve been doing, is those spasmodic bursts of bringing out stuff from inside, literally punctuated with dots and more dots, and some strokes of incomplete phrases and dollops of truncated expressions one fine mish-mash. When a friend of mine, asked to give his comments on my pathetic dished out bits n pieces stuff, was like …’ahem…very expressive..and…hmmm..’, and the saddest thing is yet to hear his full version of comments!!! So, decided to try my hand at writing some ‘serious’ stuff, you know where you talk, write sense!! The ability to write a few sentences about something normal, sedate, prosaic!! (n ofcourse laboriously boring, my attempt here, n was constantly reminded of my high school grammar books!!) A diminutive start, have miles to go though…the last section is my own usual swashbuckling stuff ofcourse, on more or less the same subject.
Communication, Language, Words
Reaching out and conveying; that would sum up Communication. When there is a need to share a thought with another person, communication comes into play. This ‘sharing a thought’ could be at many levels - seeking information required for your ongoing thought processes, dispensing information in order to get work done, seeking help to get out of situations, which are not manageable by self, and of course simple sharing or exchanging of thoughts or knowledge, be it with close ones or the world at large.
Language – ‘system of communication’ quotes the Encarta dictionary. A mode, format that effectively aids communication or rather communicates. There are some set rules, syntax, which are prerequisites for an excellent and correct usage of the language. And then again there are relaxations, and liberties which can be taken as long as the ultimate result, which happens to be the message being communicated successfully, is achieved. And in accordance to the situation one finds himself, the language can be formal, flowery, long winding, casual or plain curt.
Words – ‘meaningful unit of language sounds’ as simple as it can get! Words are indeed the building blocks of the edifice –language. And aren’t we the dexterous masons, who go about setting them in our own inimitable style and flair. Words are for some, just black and white squiggles filling up a page or screen, entities to be plowed through, because it has to be done, on the command of another, or to be scanned for basic data. And alas for some it’s a whole world of magic; filled with imageries, brimming with innumerable connotations, a great maze where you lose your way, or find oneself; enroute this journey of incredible amazing discoveries. Words make us; break us; awake us and take us to planes, glimpsed only by a honored few… !
Damned are we….
…are we, who fall for, swoon and croon and sway to the magic of words…drugs us, makes us see things which wed like to see…feel things which wed like to feel….takes us to places wed love to be…lifts us takes us in a sonic speed elevator and places u in a hazy misty cloud where u revel in your dreams…all is bliss…and then ofcourse the descend…
And then when the words ring hollow…words become script, alphabets, communicating tools…when they hurt with its flatness…when they sting with its coldness…let them be what they are…just words…if it is, at all possible
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