Is it always an illusion? We see what we want to see, feel what we like to feel?? Is it always a projected image completely based on our dreams and imagination?? Or may

be we tend to overlook the parts which are not in accordance to our 'taste' and allow ourselves to be overpowered by the parts which do 'appeal' to us. A thin fragile base on which we build edifices, castles on clouds or so to say. And when these wafer thin elements break, find ourselves without a footing. when everything vapourises, into nothing, leaving behind a huge vacuum with the bellowing silence, it is unnerving, to say the least. The part of you with parts of 'whatever it was' remains restless, athirst for what was, even if it be a trickling drop. This again is sheer imagery? The dull throbing 'whatever' makes one think otherwise.